I'm Podcasting!


As part of my ongoing work with Kids & Race I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago called "The Case For Sending Your Privileged Kid to a Low-Performing School." I was so excited to share information about school segregation with the K&R audience. And they seemed to like it, too! The post went low-key viral, and so K&R's director, Jasen Frelot, asked me to come into the studio and record a podcast.

It was a little bit of a learning curb, but so much fun! My voice carries REALLY WELL into the microphone, so I kept having to scoot back from the mic. Jasen and I had a fun and informative conversation about how our society judges "good" and "bad" schools, the pitfalls of relying on standardized tests, and whose kids were the stinkiest. Click here for the pod! 

The End of One Era, the Beginning of Another...

"Kids & Race" Re-Booted!